Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer Tip #3 Readjusting Sleeping Schedules

In about two weeks, New York City schools will re-open for students to jump start the 2013-2014 school year! I hope that back to school shopping is wrapping up for you and your children are excited to go back to school! I am getting ready myself.... have to shop for some new outfits... going into the classroom to set up next week etc... Summer is definitely winding down... trying to soak up what is left of it~ :)

One VERY important tip for you is helping your child readjust to a normal sleeping schedule starting as early as you read this post! 

Many parents tell me that during the summer, they let their children sleep past their bed time and most kids will go back to their normal sleeping schedules once school starts but if you want to ensure the easiest transition possible, you should start the readjustment a week or two before school! 

Some Tips on Readjusting Sleeping Schedules

1. Do something active with your child during the day... for the next two weeks, tire your kids out during the day so once night time comes, they are ready to K.O.

2. Gradually change their sleeping time. If your child's normally sleeps at 9pm and during the summer, he or she has been sleeping at 11pm, work your way back 30 minutes at a time. So tonight, put them to bed at 10:30 instead of 11. The next day 10 instead of 10:30... until you get back to 9pm.

3. Avoid giving your child anything sugary past 6pm.

4. Give your child a bath if they're young enough. If they're older, ask them to take a nice refreshing shower before bed... it usually puts them right to sleep! 

5. If all of the above fails, allow them to have a glass of milk at the dinner table... I know this is an old trick in the book but this even works for me! 

I hope these tips help you help your child go back to a normal sleeping pattern. 
As a teacher, I reaffirm just how important it is for a growing child to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. I've had tired students fall asleep on me in class because they stayed up all night playing video games or simply refused to sleep on time! 

Here's to happy and focused students who sleep on time! 

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