Thursday, April 7, 2011

Third Times the Charm?

Hello my invisible & non-existent readers!
I have been thinking about blogging again for awhile now. AGAIN?
Well, I've started a number of blogs attempting to document my 1st
"official" year of teaching(" " because before this year, I permanently
subbed in one class for 7 months which to me FELT like my first year).
However I was an EPIC FAILURE at updating and maintaining my blogs.

This is officially the 3rd blog I've started and I do believe 3rd times the charm, right?!
So here I go again in trying to squeeze in here whats left of the school year.

Just to give you a little background info.
I am currently teaching in an Integrated Collaborative Classroom (formally called Cooperative Team Teaching). HUH? What the heck is that (you may ask)?

Well, roughly translated, it's a class with a mixture of special education and general
education students and there are TWO teachers in the classroom.
1 general education teacher and 1 special education teacher.
Honestly, I love it because I admire and respect my co-teacher and we just
happen to have a group of fabulous, curious, and SWEET (like honey)
students in our first year of I.C.T. together.

Therefore I will use this blog to document all things related to teaching (mostly the good, the stressful and the rewarding). So here I go.... AGAIN.

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