Thursday, July 19, 2012

Greatest Place on Earth for Kiddies

This week, our field trip got moved up from Friday to Wednesday because the amusement park, Kizciti wasn't going to have any electricity on Friday. What good is an amusement park with no electricity!?
Anyways, the teachers didn't complain because it would be a nice break in the week to be out of the classroom.

All I knew is that we were going to some sort of an amusement park just outside of district 1 in Ho Chi Minh City. I honestly didn't expect much. I imagined a fair type of a setting with a couple of rides, games, food, etc. Boy, was I wrong!

We drove about 15 minutes away from our school and arrived at Kizciti. As we pulled up to the gate, the kiddies started cheering and screaming. I figured that was a very good sign was excited to see what Kizciti had to offer.

Once we unloaded the 100+ students off of 3 buses, we waited on line to get a electronic bracelet, which they had to scan to enter the park and also gave each student their paper wallets filled with fake money. The kiddies were REALLY excited and as soon as they were scanned and in the park they all ran to various different buildings located in the park.

As I entered the park, I learned that Kizciti isn't like any amusement I've ever been to or know of.
At Kizciti, students can have hands on experience role playing a doctor, nurse, model, fire fighter, technician, race car driver, airline pilot, farmer, just to name a few. There is a fire department, hospital, ice cream factory, a real runway, bank, art studio, airplane, race track, and many more!

Students can choose to get a job in any area they choose.
For example, if you wanted to be a fire fighter, you go to the fire department building where inside there are two adult trainers waiting for you. The kiddies get trained for about 15 minutes and they put on fire fighter costumes, go down a slide, and get on to a small imitation fire truck, which drives them to another part of the park where a "burning building" awaits them.
They get to hold on to real water hoses and hose down this burning building. There is even fake smoke that is released from the burning building.
(picture by Ahn, our director)
Once the job is complete, they are cheered for a job well done and get back on the bus to return to the fire department! I couldn't get over how amazing of an experience this must be for a child whose dream really is to become a fire fighter! After a job well done, students get paid in fake money and they move on to the next occupation.

I also got to watch a fashion show put on by a couple of our students. Those who wanted to be a model, went to modeling school where they learned to pose in various different poses and at the end, they put on a 15 minute show for a real live audience! One by one the kiddies came down the runway and strutted their stuff! I was so glad I got to catch the show because for most of the jobs on the park, adults are not allowed to be in the building with them. We watch from glass windows outside. Haha.

(Inside the SONY studio. I think this one was more about playing with SONY gadgets than anything else... haha)

(learning to be a good farmer...)
(how adorable are these hats?! another picture taken by Ahn)

(car design school- how many car lovers would have died for a place like this when you were younger?!)
(future nurses!)

I conclude that Kizciti is like the greatest place on earth for any youngster! Michelle and I were discussing that we would have died for a place like this when we were growing up. 

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